Friday, November 20, 2009

Chapter 29: Harry Potter vs. Twilight

Blog fail yet again. This semester has been so extremely hectic and stressful that I barely have time for anything besides schoolwork or so it seems. But now that things are finally winding down, I have time to blog more and I probably will. Especially since I need something to help keep me calmed down when things start to get too crazy. I'll have to explain some more on the stressed thing later. Right now, I've got more important things to discuss.

As practically the whole world knows or at least those here in the United States, the movie New Moon came out in theaters today. I thought this would be a good time to discuss the Harry Potter vs. Twilight debate and my thoughts on both.

First off, I'm not a Twihard fan nor do I clam to be. However, my feelings are torn on the whole Twilight thing. I have read the books (Not all but at least the first two) and I have also seen the first movie and want to see the second. Now before you start getting all crazy and asking me all these questions about Twilight and assuming I'm just as obsessed about it as you, and asking me if I'm Team Edward or Team Jacob, let me explain. The only reason I got into Twilight (if you can even call it that), is because I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. A lot of my classmates where raving about how much they liked the series and I was curious. So I read the first book and then the second. I have yet to read Eclipse and Breaking Dawn but I'm not exactly anxious about it. I thought the books were ok so far. Not horrible but yet not exactly great. I was really annoyed by Bella and also by Edward. However, I did like Alice. I also thought the movie was ok.

I guess the reason I've done those things is because I'm curious and perhaps a bit fascinated by the obsession about it. I would even go to a Twilight party of which there was one back in my hometown at the public library. Mainly I would have gone because I think it would have been fun and maybe to amuse myself with the craziness of everyone else.

I guess the whole problem is that I just don't get it. What is so fascinating about Edward and just Twilight in general? I really just don't get it! It doesn't help that I keep hearing about it and putting myself in the position to be considered an "fan". It feels a bit weird when practically all your classmates in your degree program keep raving about the series and everything and are obsessed about it so much, and your one of the few people who aren't. To be an outcast in this case isn't exactly fun. Especially when I'm already separated by the simple fact I'm not going to be a teacher but instead a school librarian.

My obsession is Harry Potter. I'll admit it. Twilight has not changed my obsession about it and I refuse to let it. I think Harry Potter is a much better series. In my opinion J.K. Rowling is a much better writer than Stephanie Mayer. Being somewhat of a writer myself, I know that it takes a lot more to create your own world than to simply just use the real world and incorporate fantasy elements into it. Not only has J.K. Rowling created her own world,she even made her own currency for this world! To mean, this makes her a much better writer than Stephanie Mayer.

I'm not disagreeing that both series got more students to read but I feel that Harry Potter did a much better job of this than Twilight. Of course, Harry Potter was first but even so look at how much it's still prevalent today. Harry Potter has a much bigger fan base than Twilight and a much wider range. Twilight's fan base consists of mainly teenage girls while Harry Potter is for everyone. People of all ages can enjoy Harry Potter and do enjoy it. Twilight on the other hand is more for teenage girls and college girls. I honestly don't know of very many guys that are reading Twilight and are obsessed with it. Not that there aren't any. I'm sure there are some, but I don't know of any personally.

As for this whole Team Edward or Team Jacob thing? Why does it matter so much? Really? Why is this such an important question in the Twihard world? Can I just like something or even just read something out of curiosity without having to chose sides? Why does it matter? Just because I read the Twilight books doesn't mean that I am obsessed about it and know it by heart like many people assume. I don't know it by heart. I haven't even read the whole series yet! So stop asking me. Even when I have taken the book to public places to read, people ask me about it! Just stop!! Let me enjoy my book in peace! :)

My response to those who keep asking me the ultimate Twilight question: Team Harry Potter!!
(and I mean Harry Potter in general. I know that there are subteams of Harry Potter such as Team Weasley or Team Lupin.)

I'm sure I'll get some people who disagree with me and that's fine. You have your opinion and I have mine. This is why we live in the United States. We have the right to disagree.

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