Monday, October 25, 2010

Tweet Blogger

So I seem to have become one of those types of people who "Tweet blog" and I don't really know what to do about it. However, this reallt only happens when I get into a rant about something or want to rant about something. Otherwise I just tweet whenever. Yet, I feel that being a Tweet blogger is a bad thing. I feel bad for my followers because they get all my tweets back to back. I could actually blog about it, but usually the rant is quite short to write a real blog about. In fact, if I actually did a blog post everytime I wanted to rant, I'd have way too many blog posts. That's why I think Twitter works for me in this sense. Sure, it's probably not the best way but then what is if not Twitter? For me to send several short tweets about my rant (and it's usually about 5 tweets average at a time) works for me instead of a blog post. Also, I'm not the only person on twitter that does this. I have another friend who goes on tweet rants and ends up tweet blogging. I'm sure there's others. My question then is how do you go about ranting about something when it's usually very brief? Is tweet blogging in that sense a good thing or a bad thing? I mean I don't like tweet spamming my followers when I tweet rant but I don't seem to have a choice. Several long tweets in a short span of time just works better than a long blog post rant IMO. Also, even though they don't necessarily tweet blog, there are some people I follow that tweet frequently. Maybe twitter or someone could look into developing an app or something that creates a blog post from a string of tweets? If there's something like that already, I should probably look into it.

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