Tuesday, March 6, 2012

An abundance of writing journals and notebooks

Journals and notebooks of different shapes and colors and styles lay around my apartment. Most of take up a small portion of one of my bookshelves. They take up residence in various drawers. Some in the bottom drawer of my desk, another one in a drawer in my pink craft tower.  A couple of them in a shelf space in my nightstand. Some of them have locks with keys; more like diaries. Others have simple latches to open and close them. Still others are simply just regular notebooks. None of them are completely full or even half full.  Some are completely blank; not even used.

Some of these notebooks are full of just notes of writing and doodles. Others though tell stories of my life from various years; most being just a page or two of incomplete writings.  The only real journal/diary that  tells something about me and my daily life is the diary I got in 4th grade.

It's an actual diary but the lock broke a lot time ago and now it's kept close with a piece of white ribbon strung through the hole where the lock was and the ends tied in a bow.  It's a Lisa Frank diary with a picture of the 3 Ballerina Bunnies on it. (I was big into Lisa Frank when I was younger. Still kinda am actually).  I began writing in this diary when I was in 4th grade and for a while I would write in it almost dail. Nothing too exciting in it. It's an almost boring telling of an 9 year old's life at the time; a less complicated life that was then compared to now.  There would be times where I would skip days or sometimes longer between entries until I stopped almost entirely. I guess my life just got busy and I would stop writing for a long time. I would then stumble upon the diary later and write some more things. I grew older and  of course the entries changed a bit.  Glimpses into the life of a 10, 11, 12 and even 13  year old through the occasional entry. Eventually the diary became a diary specifically for writing certain things going on until I stopped writing in it completely.

I considered myself to be a writer about the time I was in 7th grade and dedicated most of my time to writing poetry and stories  by then. Sometimes I would pick up a "journal" or "diary" of some sort but it was usually just to vent. This was how it came to be.  I told people I wrote and they would give me journals to write stuff in. Some I would write in and others I just set aside and never touched them.  Sometimes I would buy a little notebook to carry around with me and write in when the desire to struck me. To write in when I just needed to get things off my mind.

So now I have a bunch of notebooks and journals with only a few pages written on. Some are still entirely blank. As I said before, none of them are completely full.  I can't help but think I should be writing more physically. I do on occasion but I find that since I'm online more, that blogging is just a lot easier.  I honestly feel that sometimes typing is a lot faster for me.  I feel that my mind is so full of things I want to say that writing just takes too long.

I still love to write though and I will occasionally write an actual journal entry in one of my notebooks. I still carry around a small notebook to jot down things when I'm out and about.  But really a lot of my writing has evolved.  I tend to write a lot more online now. I certainly blog a  lot more now. As I've said before, I consider writing to be a form of therapy for me.  

I've often wondered though what I should do with all these journals, notebooks, and diaries that I have.  I think about consolidating some of them perhaps even trying to finish some of the incomplete entries in some of them.  I even think about converting them into electronic versions.   But then I think, what would be the point? Is there even a reason I should?  I do feel that I should at least collect all the ones with journal entries though and doing something with them. After all, those entries tell a story; my story.

Sometimes I think I should just convert these journals and such into a book of some sort. That I could use them to get back into writing stories or poetry. Basically turn them into novels or something like that. But then again, there's the fact that technology might be easier for that.

Basically technology has taken over for my writing. I mean, I still love to write physically on occasion
Yet, technology has made it so much easier although it leaves me with a bunch of either empty or semi-filled journal notebooks. And honestly I just don't know what to do with them all. 

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