Friday, January 27, 2012

2012 Resolutions

I know it's late into the new year already but I figured I'd say what my resolutions are.  Technically several of these resolutions are already happening. Just happened on their own with little effort from me.

Play piano more often
This just happened upon my return from NM. I just started playing because I missed it. Also my parents wanted to hear me play since they hadn't heard me in awhile. But I did enjoy it and plan to try and play it more often. I want to try and get back into a somewhat regular routine with it if I can. It would be nice if I could incorporate it into a form of therapy like blogging has become. I consider it to be a form of therapy but just haven't used it as one.

Blog/write more
This has already happened. Especially since I've been going to therapy. I plan to continue it though. I've already started blogging at least once a month. Sometimes more than that. It's helped me so much though. It's become a sort of therapy as well for me so I don't think it will be going anywhere for awhile. Besides it's nice to be back into blogging again. I just figured I'd make it a resolution to keep me motivated.

Make some local friends
This is a work in progress but I feel hopeful that this will happen this semester. I'm working on it with the help of my therapist. I feel like it'll happen sometime this year and I'm sure it'll happen.  I plan to try and get more involved. I already have plans to go to some church events for the Young Adult group. I'm feeling pretty positive about this working out. I just hope it does so I don't get too disappointed. 

Cook more
Another one that has already taken place. Prior to heading home, I had already begun to cook a little more. Now that I have some bakeware and my mom has used my oven a few times, I know my oven works. So now can cook and even bake now using my oven (technically I could before but just didn't plus I didn't have the proper bakeware). I also picked up some more recipes while I was home so I plan to get cooking more. Healthy food. Not that I  eat a lot of junk food to begin with but I'm going to try and cook more to limit how often I buy microwave meals and Ramen noodles.

Exercise more
I got into this when I was at home. My mom got me walking but then I stopped. I need to get back into it or some type of exercise.  I'm more into the Dance workouts like with the Wii (Just Dance games). I've got some videos of gameplay that I use. I just need to get into it and force myself to get into it. I'm not overly out of shape but do need to at least do something. I'm going to try though.

Get more organizedI have a lot of papers and such that I just need to go through. Since I left prior to the end of the semester, I didn't really have time to go through all the papers. I'm going to start going through and scanning and getting rid of papers now. Just get things back in order. Also I noticed that I need to go through my CD's. I'm running out of room. I need to just copy them all to iTunes and get rid of some of the ones I don't listen to as much.  Just basically get organized and stay organized. That and get rid of some stuff that I don't really need anymore so that when I move away from here, I have less stuff to get worry about moving

Vlog/Make more videos
My friends and I started a collab video blog project last year and for awhile, it worked. However, things got busy with all of us and the project has fizzeled out somewhat. I was the only one making videos for awhile but stopped because I was the only one. I want to try and make more videos and vlogs of my own. Of course, with school, I get so involved that I don't have a lot of time to edit video footage. I have tons of footage that needs to be edited but I just haven't had time.  I want to try and get more time to just make videos. It would also be nice to get involved with a collab channel that actually kept up with videos.

There's more things I want to do but for now this is a good start and none of them should be too difficult to incorporate into my daily life. 2012 is already off to a new start for me and I hope to keep it that way.

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