Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Problem Obsession?

I am obsessed with Harry Potter. I'll just admit that right now. My family knows it and my friends know it. It's not like it's a big secret or anything. It's almost like Harry Potter has become synonymous with my name.

Tonight, I was on Facebook and saw the newest Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 trailer.  I got so excited that I was squealing in anticipation.  My dad overheard this and pretty much told me to Get off of this Harry Potter obsession. It made me a bit upset to hear this. I know I'm obsessed but I'm not that obsessed. 

Harry Potter is a big part of my life and has been ever since I first read the books. I love Harry Potter. There's just something about it that has gotten me hooked. I have other relatives that are just as excited as I am about seeing the movie (including my mom). My dad hasn't read the books and isn't much of a reader so he really doesn't understand the excitement about it or why I'm so obsessed.

I agree that I have obsessions but it's not to the point where I let my obsessions control my life. I don't think about Harry Potter 24/7. Right now I pretty much do because I'm super excited about the movie  coming out and  I'll be seeing it with family.  Otherwise though I don't spend all my time thinking about Harry Potter. I have other interests to keep me busy. 

I just happen to be the type of person that obsesses about things that I like rather than just simply liking them. I realize that there's a point a which an obsession can become unhealthy but I honestly haven't reached that point and don't think I ever will. What's wrong with having obsessions? What's wrong with enjoying things a lot more than normal? I can't help it.

Maybe I am a borderline case. I could go that far but I haven't. For me, I think the reason I obsess about things is because I'm a bit geeky. Geeks (and nerds!) tend to obsesses about things like this. I've already admitted that I'm socially awkward type of person and perhaps this is why I'm obsessed with things like Harry Potter.

Am I really that obsessed to the point that it's unhealthy? I don't feel as though I am. My dad just doesn't understand it. It's something he is unfamiliar with.   However, I beg my friends to do whatever possible if my obsessions ever go that far.

1 comment:

  1. You're a nerd. You're allowed to be unironically enthusiastic about things. You're no more obsessed with HP than any of my other nerdy friends are with their idiosyncracies. So don't worry about it; embrace your nerdiness, shake off the negative comments, and never FTBA!
