Friday, June 24, 2011

High School friends...

So tonight I was on Facebook and I started exploring some pages of some friends of mine and some other people I knew from high school. It really started off by a high school friend of mine becoming recent friends with a friend of ours from middle school. Using my skills as a librarian, I was able to find many of my high school friends and find out things about them.

Turns out several of my classmates are married now or have kids. For me this whole idea is just weird. I've said before how I'm just not interested in that type of thing right now but it's amazing to see just how many people are.  Some of them have moved. Quite a few of them have graduated (there's some that haven't) and have moved on to bigger and better things (a doctorate degree in one of my friends cases). It's weird looking at their information. I mean I haven't been out of high school really that long but then again I guess I have been.

It's not like I haven't kept in some contact with high school classmates.   I keep up with some of them. Mainly the ones I knew in middle school and the ones I hung out with the most in high school. Basically, my best friends back then. I've also kept in contact or at least my parents have with some of my acquaintances from when I was younger.  Some of them still live in my hometown or their parents still do. Of course, in a small town, you'll run into these parents at some time or another and because of our shared pasts (I was friends with their daughters), you can't help but get information.

For instance some  of those people quit college. Now they are married and moved away or have a kid. Things I wouldn't have thought from some of these people but it happened.  I know my parents can't help but be proud of me and my accomplishments when they hear about my old friends, I know their parents are also proud of me and honestly, I'm sure they compare their children to me wishing they could be like me (I've heard something like this from a friend's parents before). 

Yet, looking at this information makes me think about the fact that a lot has changed for many of my classmates over the years. I still can't believe that I've already graduated with one degree and am currently working on another.

Looking at Facebook pages and photos of old classmates, I can't help but think about things and how much people have changed. It bothers me because I feel like I haven't changed that much when I compare myself to them. I don't look a whole lot different than I did nearly 5 years ago when I graduated high school. I mean I am different but at the same time,not really. Many of my classmates seem older to me.  Me on the other hand, not so much.

I have changed. I've experienced a lot of things in my life since graduating high school. Yet I don't feel much different nor look much different.  Sometimes I can't help but wish that things were different.

Yet there is one thing I wouldn't change. I wouldn't change my plan for accomplishing my goals. So far I've been so focused on getting my degrees before I ever think about dating or getting married or even having kids. So far, it's worked in my favor and so far for the most part,everything has gone according to plan. I'm really not interested in deviating from my plan at the moment and I really don't intend to anytime soon.For me I'm not ready to go that way.

Some of my classmates obviously don't think the same way since they've gotten married and such. But then they were probably ready.  Maybe for some they are now regretting their decisions. For me, I don't regret any of my choices. I'm happy with where I am now.

So I guess it really doesn't matter if I haven't changed that much. I have though even though I may not look it on the outside.  I've accomplished what I've wanted to so far in my life. I've stuck to MY plan and I plan to continuing doing so.

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