Monday, September 5, 2011


Last night was like Christmas for me, an avid Harry Potter fan. Why? Because last night, I FINALLY got my Pottermore email! YAY!! I finally got my Hogwarts letter!! Ever since the Magical Quill challenge, I have been waiting. I've been waiting so long that I was starting to think I never would get it. Lots of people I knew, not to mention some family members had already received their emails and had been sorted. It was getting annoying listening to people talk about it and it just made me more and more impatient and frustrated.

This article pretty much sums up how I was feeling:

I'd been following the official twitter and everytime they would update saying they'd sent out welcome emails, I would eagerly check my email and....nothing.   I had pretty much taking to complaining on social media sites on a  regular basis (sorry about that). I was hoping that I would at least get my email by September 1st in order to make the Hogwarts Express. Well that certainly didn't happen and I missed the train ride. But I still didn't give up. Friday another tweet update: More emails sent out. I was a bit more hopeful this time that I might be getting my email soon. A few days ago, a few people that had signed up on Day 2 of the Magical Quill challenge had said they had received their emails. Since I had also signed up on Day 2, this was good news for me. Prior to that, I'd only heard about people getting in that had signed up on Day 1, although a few people that signed up on Day 2 said they had received their emails long ago. Still it gave me more hope.

When the tweet came out, checked my email AND.....nothing.  I was upset and literally gave up at this point.  I went about my day.  Saturday was just another day. My brother and his family called me throughout the day because they were visiting our parents for the Labor Day weekend. Of course, being my brother, he kept pestering me about getting my email which I still hadn't. I checked my email again thinking that maybe it would be there. I was already aware that it might take awhile for the emails to show up in inboxes so I was still hopeful. Again, nothing and I went on with my day.

Sunday evening comes around. I'm browsing the Internet like normal and was on Tumblr. I noticed a few people posting messages saying that they had recieved their emails. Again that little flicker of hope. I realized that I hadn't checked my email that day and figured I would go ahead and check. I really wasn't expecting anything. I just figured, I'd check but wasn't counting on getting an email. Well, I checked my email, saw I had some new messages...Nothing too exciting.....Wait? What's that? OMG! MY POTTERMORE EMAIL HAD FINALLY ARRIVED! *cue epic happy dance and excited screaming*

I immediately updated my social media sites and text my family members. I was just so excited!! I couldn't believe that I had finally got my email. It was the most amazing feeling ever! I finally calmed down enough to sign in and get started with things. I got my Hogwarts hat (that my cousin's made for our Harry Potter weekend) and put it on and got out my wand. Clicked on the first chapter and started my journey! It was amazing even for Beta.  I made my way through the chapters and finally reached Diagon Alley and Ollivanders.  Answered the questions and got my wand: Sycamore with Phoenix Feather, 10 inches. I was happy and even more so when I read the exclusive content on wand cores, wand lengths, and wand woods. So interesting how a wand tells so much about.  someones personality. Mine fits me so perfectly!
 "The wand chooses the witch or wizard"

Wand acquired, my trunk packed and ready (you acually buy school stuff including a pet; I chose an owl), I was ready for my journey to Howarts on the Hogwarts Express. I finally reached the Sorting Hat chapter. This was it. The moment I had been waiting for. I was finally going to see which I truly belonged to. Answered the questions as honestly as I could and the sorting hat said I belonged in: HUFFLEPUFF!  I was shocked. Truly shocked. I have nothing against Hufflepuff. I just never saw myself as being one. I had always thought Ravenclaw or Gryffindor since I thought of myself being a lot like Hermione. I even thought a combination of the houses:a Gryffinclaw. Slythrin was never an option for me. It just wasn't the house for me at all. But Hufflepuff? Really?

After the initial shock though and after reading the welcome message and the description, I realized that Hufflepuff truly fits who  I am. I'm a proud Hufflepuff now and have already become a bit obsessed about it. What makes it nicer is that my older brother and I are in the same house. He got Hufflepuff too. Same reaction I had too but we're both fine with it now. We both realize that it fits us. My nephew got Gryffindor and I'll admit that I'm a little jealous about that but not that much.

I still think that when Pottermore offically opens, I might make a new account and try for a new house but only for experimental purposes. I just want to see if I get the same house again or not. I'm just that type of person. I really am happy with my placement now. That's not to say that I won't still claim to be a Gryffinclaw (though more Ravenpuff now I would think; still think I have a lot of Ravenclaw tendencies). I still will but now I will also claim to be a Hufflepuff and be proud when I do.

Thanks to Hypercam software, I was able to record  my computer desktop and most of my journey. Most importantly the sorting and wand choosing. I also recorded my reactions using my regular camera. Hopefully I will be getting that footage edited and uploaded soon.

So that's my journey! I'm no longer a muggle!! :)

"Who has two thumbs and is a Hufflepuff? I'm a Hufflepuff"

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