Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I don't know why I'm thinking about this but I am. I actually was thinking about it after church Saturday evening but since my Internet was down, I couldn't write about it. That and I already had another topic I wanted to blog about.

I find it interesting how even though I am no longer obligated by my parents to go to church regularly, I still do.  When I was younger, I didn't have a choice. 

I have never really considered myself to be an overly religious type of person and I still am not. I guess I would say I'm religious but not to the point where I shove my beliefs down people's throats or  anything like that. I would say I'm average as far as my religion goes.

I guess I am religious enough.  I participated it a lot church activities growing up. Of course, again, many were because of my parents. I went to Sunday school and Vacation Bible School and participated in the Easter Egg hunts and stuff like that. But even as a teen, I participated in many things. I was an Alter Server from the day I made First Communion until my Senior year of high school. I participated in the Youth Choir both singing and playing piano. I was also the piano player and assistant for the children's choir. 

Really I was pretty active as far as church activities were concerned but I'm not entirely sure why. I mean my brother was raised in the same household as I was and in the same religion. He went to Sunday school too and was also an Alter Server (part of the reason I became one), yet he isn't into his religion as much as I am. I still go to church pretty regularly and participate in church activities.  I guess part of the reason I am involved now is because I got more involved with my church in Stillwater. I went to the church and participated in activities as a way to meet people. They also offered quite a few activities for college students. I loved it. Perhaps that's when it really began. I would go to church on Sunday evenings  to the Student Mass partly because afterwards their was usually a meal for the students. While it certainly wasn't the only reason I went to church regularly, it did help. It was great because I got to know people that went every week and I eventually became one of the regulars. That led to me going to other activities as well such as retreats or conferences.

I loved it. While I'm no longer in Stillwater, I'm still trying to participate in church activities here in Denton. It hasn't been as easy though.

Sometimes I don't know why I still go to church  when I'm no longer being forced to. I respect my religion and everything. It's what I believe. Yet, sometimes I still think why I'm going when I don't necessarily have to go. Honestly, some days I just don't feel like going to church yet I force myself to go.  But there are some days that I end up not going simple for the same reasoning.

I guess I really am fairly religious after all though I don't always claim to be.

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