Monday, August 15, 2011

Concerned about my blog style

I look at other blogs and I sometimes wonder about my own style. I wonder if my blogs are too boring.

I realize that much of my style is "diary-like" or "journal-like" meaning I tell mostly about my day and sometimes throw the occasionally thought-provoking note in them. This is my style and it works for me. Mostly.  I feel that even though my blogs tend to be mostly recaps of my day, I still feel as though they are interesting. I try to make them interesting. 

Sometimes though I long for the wonderful narratives and though provoking entries that some of  my friends post. Their posts just seem much more exciting compared to mine. I fear as though my posts are too boring. That they aren't interesting enough to read. That sometimes my life isn't as exciting as theirs. 

Occasionally I feel as though I have a thought provoking blog post but then when I look back later, I feel as though it wasn't really as thought-provoking or interesting as I had hoped.   

I wonder if anyone even is remotely interested in what I have to say.  

Why would they be? It's not like I'm an extremely interesting person I feel.  

Whatever I write, comes from the heart. I write because it's a sort of therapy for me. It's a way to make sense of things going on in my life and to remember some days that I feel are important. In some ways, I feel as thought there is something special in even the most ordinary of days,. Even if my blog posts are no more than mere recaps of everyday, I feel as though they deserve to be written down and shared with others.  

I consider myself a writer. I AM a writer. I love writing. I have for a long time. For me, writing is just a part of who I am. I'm used to the journal or diary type of writing. I used to do that on a regular basis when I was younger and still return to it on occasion. The feel of physically writing with paper and pencil and the words flowing from my mind through the pencil onto the paper, is one that I still enjoy. Yet, even though I still enjoy the regular paper and pencil style of writing, my writing has made way to the digital world of blogging. 
For me typing has become a much faster way for me to keep up with my thoughts. I can type almost as fast as I can think of the words I want to say. 

I guess it comes down to just being myself and blogging about who I am. So what if what I have to say is boring at times. It's my style. It's who I am. Granted it's a lot easier to be someone I'm not and to want to be more interesting.  So what if I don't have a "theme" to blog about like other bloggers do. I know I talked about this is a BEDA (Blog Every Day April) post. Some people feel they need a theme to write about everyday. Something that will make their blogs stand out. Mine isn't like that. Sometimes I have a theme but other times it's just random musings from my mind.  

Even after all this, I still kinda feel as though my blog isn't worthy of being read. I guess I'm interesting to some people or at least I hope I am. 

In the end though, it's me that I should be blogging for. Not anyone else. If what I write, makes me feel better or makes me happy, than that should be all that really matters. 

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