Sunday, April 12, 2009

BEDA Day 10: Chapter 9- Happy Easter!


So I hope everyone had a nice Easter. I kinda did and kinda didn't at the same time. 2 reasons why I didn't really enjoy today as much. First of all, it was rainy today; a rainy Easter is not really fun. Although, admittedly better than it being snowy for Easter (which happened one year back home a long while ago when I was little). But still rain and Easter, just don't mix well I don't think. The second reason I didn't enjoy today as much was because I had (and still have) quite a bit of homework to finish. Although, I have gotten quite a bit done already and I'm happy about that especially since most of it isn't due until Tuesday. At least I'm getting it done early though!
So anyway, other than doing homework I haven't done a whole lot today. My mom called me this morning to wish my a Happy Easter which was nice. I had already dug into my Easter goodies and ate some more today. I had a pack of Peeps after lunch (it was a set of 5 Peeps). Then I worked on some homework until I left for my cousin's. We had a Super Salad with grilled chicken as our Easter dinner which I enjoyed. My cousin had one of his friends visiting so it wasn't just the two of us. While we ate dinner, we watched the Tudors (awesome show!!). Then I had to finish some things for a presentation in my Middle Level class on Wednesday (my group is meeting to practice tomorrow evening). While I was working, my cousin and his friend made a Strawberry Rhubarb Pie for dessert. After that had finished baking (which didn't take long at all) we enjoyed some with some vanilla frozen yogurt and watched a movie. The movie was Behind Enemy Lines: Columbia and I thought it was a good movie. Then after the movie, I came back. So while I didn't do a whole lot on this Easter Sunday. I've still had lots of fun. It was also nice because I got to spend some time with family. It would've been nice to spend it with my parents and all my other family but unfortunately it was not possible. Like always, I get a chance to talk to them quite often and today was no exception.

I hope everyone else had a nice Easter and took time to remember the real reason we celebrate.

As promised, here are some pictures of my Easter Eggs and my Easter goodies:

All the goodies in this picture were sent to me by my mom and dad. Except for the eggs, Cadbury eggs, and the bunny. The purple bunny I recieved last Easter from my parents. The Cadbury eggs I bought myself because I wanted some and I had botten some more Peeps but I've already eaten them all.

The lime green egg in my picture actually has DFTBA and Nerdfighters written on it but unfortunately didn't turn out that well. Oh well! It still counts for me!

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