Sunday, April 19, 2009

BEDA Day 17: Chapter 16- The Weekender

The weekends seem to go by quickly. It's like I wait for Friday so I can get a chance to relax but then before I know it,it's Sunday and the weekend is over. Don't get me wrong. Depending on the day, usually my weekdays aren't that bad. However, I still really enjoy the weekends because I finally get a chance to relax. Although lately that hasn't been the case so much. Take Friday for instance, I spent most of my Friday working on homework; my Interview 5 summary and my WebQuest. I was up until almost 4 in the morning working on my WebQuest trying to get it finished. I ended up finishing it Saturday morning. I attempted to work on some more assignments Saturday evening but didn't . Somehow I think it was because I got involved with something else online but also because I think that after spending so much time on Friday, I just didn't want to do any more. I just wanted to relax. Of course, there's other reasons that could also be a factor, namely the weather and tiredness, but regardless, I didn't get much else done.

The good news is that I have managed to get some work done. At least I'm not overwhelmed having to finish so much within the next few days. The bad news is that I still have quite a bit to do overall before the semester ends. I am very much ready for it to be over. It's just been one of those semester's. I can't wait for a much deserved break. Right now, it looks as though I might possibly be going home for the summer. Now whether or not I'll be working is still uncertain. I applied for some positions at the Recreation Center in my hometown but haven't heard anything yet. It would really be nice to have a job and earn some money for the fall semester. Especially, since I most likely won't be able to work. If I don't get a job, I don't know what I'll do. The only thing I can think of doing is volunteering somewhere. Most likely I'd volunteer to help out with the Summer Reading Program. But of course, it's voluntary and you don't get paid.
Yes, I should enjoy my time off and just relax and not do anything. However, I know I'll get bored quickly not doing anything. I'd have to do something.

So back to my weekend. Other than doing homework, I really didn't do anything exciting. I did my usual weekend activities of grocery shopping and doing laundry. The only thing I didn't do was cleaning and I'll do that before I head to class tomorrow (it's my late day tomorrow (meaning I don't have a class until 12:30) . If I can manage it, I'm also going to try and get some more homework done before class too. I have a meeting with one of my partners tomorrow evening around 7 and then of course TINT will hopefully be updating and there pretty much goes my evening (see my earlier blog for more info about this). So I need to try and get as much done as a possible can before the evening.

Well, that's really all I have to say tonight. Hope everyone had a nice weekend and is ready to begin the new week.

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