Monday, April 20, 2009

BEDA Day 18: Chapter 17- Book Club 1

So today I'm going to talk about a couple of books that I'm currently reading.

First, I'm still reading Twilight. Now I'm mostly reading it because I was curious to know what the fuss and hype was all about; why people were so obsessed with it. I actually started reading the book last June when I was home for Summer Break. I had checked the book out from my Hometown Public Library and planned to read as much as I could during the drive back and also before my parents and nephew headed back. I didn't get very far in the book though. My mom didn't have a book of hers to read on the way back and so she decided to read the one I had. She finished it and told me that I should try getting the book and reading it. I went to Hastings and bought the book and started reading the book again. For awhile I was making progress with it. I can't say if I was truly involved with the book or not. I was enjoying it but that was about it. Then of course July 21 came along. All you Harry Potter fans already know the significance of this date. This day of course is the anniversary of Deathly Hallows and more specifically it was the 1st anniversary. I chose to mark the occasion like others did by rereading the 7th book again. I think it was my 3rd time reading it. So I read the 7th book again and Twilight got pushed aside. After I had finished Book 7, I still didn't pick up Twilight again. I read other books and then Let It Snow and then Paper Towns came out and read those. I did take Twilight home with me over my Christmas Break thinking that I'd finish Let It Snow and have time to read Twilight. However, that didn't happen. Even after I came back after the holidays, I still didn't pick Twilight up. Then the movie came out. I decided to make another attempt at reading it. I saw the movie and began from the beginning of the book. I've made it a lot farther now but have run into the probably again of reading other books instead of finishing Twilight. I'm not sure what it is. I've heard a lot of people claim that they can't put the book down, yet I don't seem to really be having that problem. I've been putting the book down and walking away and not reading it for long amounts of time. I'm really not sure why that is though. However, I will make sincere effort to try and finish it. I am now getting to the really good parts and I am more eager to keep reading and find out what happens next. Yet that still hasn't stopped me from reading other books too.

Such as the 2nd book I'm reading now: Number the Stars by Lois Lowry. Can you believe that I've never read this book? I know many people have and they love it. They read it when they were younger too. I've never read this book until now. I know. It's shocking but true. I just started reading it today and in fact this afternoon after I got back from class. I've been wanting to read this book for a long while now and I've had it on one of my bookshelves for who knows how long. I think the fact that it keeps coming up in our textbook for my Literacy Class is why I finally broke down and had to read it. So far, I'm really enjoying the book. Since it's not a very long book, it's not going to take me a long time to finish, even reading Twilight at the same time. In fact, I can almost be certain that I'll finish Number the Stars before I finish Twilight.

I've also kinda begun a 3rd book a while back ago, 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson, that I haven't read a lot of either. That'll be the next book I read, most likely either after the Twilight Series or along with. Plus I have a lot of other books that I've been wanting to read for a while now. I can guarentee that I'll try to read a lot during this summer since I'll have the time.

So now you know what I'm reading but now I want to know: What are you reading? and Do you have any Book Suggestions for me? (I can add them to my neverending books-to-read list)

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