Saturday, April 4, 2009

BEDA Day 2: Chapter 1- Mysterious YouTuber

I should probably talk more about my everyday life on this blog than other things. After all isn't a blog somewhat like a journal/diary of your daily life? I mean technically a blog could be pretty much anything you want it to be and in my case I'd much rather talk about anything that pops into my mind whether it be about my day or not. Granted, I most certainly will talk about my day at some point during BEDA. Several times in fact. But for now, being that it is the weekend and I don't really have anything that exciting to say about my day I'd much rather talk about something else.

What's that? You still what to hear what I did today?? Alright, fine. But I tell you it's not all that exciting: I woke up about 10:30, had some cereal and some orange juice. Messed around on the computer/internet for awhile, got dressed, went to McAlister's Deli for lunch where I had a Greek Chicken Salad and some sweet tea. Drove out to my cousin's house and picked up my mail and watched a bit of TV. Came back to my apartment and took a little nap, woke up and made some ramen noodles for dinner and have just been working on a video and attempting to do some homework. That's it. I told you it's not very interesting. Moving on.

Ok so I mainly just wanted to blog about my obession with YouTube and how I'm somewhat of a mysterious YouTuber. I know many people have multiple accounts and I'm one of them. My main account isn't really my main account. Well, the account I now call my main account at least. I have another account where I post artist-specific music videos that I create from existing music videos/live performances and remixes. This other account is my original YouTube account. A few years ago, in 2006, I discovered Windows Movie Maker and started messing around with it. About the same time I discovered YouTube and saw some Harry Potter music videos that people had made using popular songs. I thought that if they could do that with Harry Potter, why couldn't I do that with a certain music artist? So I created a couple of music videos and uploaded them just for the fun of it. I posted links on one of the forums I frequented and sent them to some fans. I didn't expect anything to come out of it. I just mainly wanted people's opinions and see what they thought. Well, it turns out that people loved my videos and that inspired me to create even more videos. I have become fairly well-known within the community for this music artists and people truly enjoy my videos! What is so mysterious about this whole thing is that people don't realize just who I am. A lot of people think that I'm a guy or that I'm gay. They are a bit surprised when I tell them I'm neither a guy nor gay. I've tried to keep the mystery of my other account mainly because it's fun. I like it when I visit message boards and see people commenting on my videos and sharing links to them. I've even posted links to my own videos and have people commenting on them! No one seems to make the connection to it being me. Even with my new main account where I've friended my other account and have made it almost obvious that I'm the same person, still no one seems to have made the connection! Not that I mind. I'd much rather be mysterious. I can be myself on my main account while at the same time, being a fabulous amateur video editior with many subscribers
on the other.
So that's really how I got involved with YouTube. Now I'm obsessed with it and seem to get more involved everyday. I'm part of a collaboration channel and have posted a few videos on my own channel. I don't feel that I make very exciting videos, but I try. If people are entertained by me than that's great, and if not, I hope they at least got a good laugh. I don't try to be anyone but myself in my videos.
And for the record, no I won't tell you what my other account is. If I told you then it wouldn't be a secret anymore and I'd lose the mysteriousness that it brings me. Plus I'd lose the fun of keeping the mystery going and then what would I do with my life?

1 comment:

  1. my video makings had a similar beginning, only I was obsessed with dogs.. and it didn't become very popular.. And I have only made one Harry Potter music video..
    duh duh duh, mysterious youtube accounts.
