Tuesday, April 21, 2009

BEDA Day 19: Chapter 18-My Daily Schedule

I've been thinking today about how routine my daily schedule is and I find it very interesting to see how I do at lot of things everyday at the same time. Of course, it's not all that exciting that my schedule is routine. Most schedules are. That's just how it is. But since I don't really have anything else to blog about, I'm going to talk about my schedule.

9 AM (M), 6 AM (T/Th), 5 AM (W) - Alarm goes off. I turn on the radio and then get out of bed, take a shower and get dressed. I then usually get back in bed and try to get a little more sleep before I finally get up. Then I have breakfast and work on some last minute homework before heading off to class.

12:30-2:20 (M), 9:00-3:15 (T/Th), 7:30-2:20 (W)- Classes. Wednesdays I have about a 2 hour break from 10-12 between my 7:30 class and my 12:30 class.

Around 2:30 (M/W), 3:30 (T/Th)- I walk back to my apartment and have lunch. Except on Thursdays. On Thursdays, I've had to rush back after my last class ends at 3:15 and pick up my stuff for my Tutoring and then be at the RMC (Reading Math Center) by 4:15. On Thursdays I usually pick up something at the Student Union to have for lunch after my Literacy class.

Around 4:00PM- Naptime. I've been taking a nap nearly everyday now. I know it's partly due to the lack of sleep I get at night. Plus it seems to help somewhat with me staying up late.

6:30-7:00- I generally wake up around this time and get up and prepare dinner.

7:30- 8:00- Dinner

Around 9:00- I finally begin to work on most of my homework.

Around 11:00- Realize I still need to post a BEDA blog and work on that instead of homework.

1:30-2 AM- Bedtime. If I'm lucky. Lately it's been more like 2:30 almost 3.

Then it starts all over. Fridays and the weekend are days I generally do chores and try to catch up on sleep and homework too.

Before I quit working my schedule was pretty much the same but instead of getting some rest I'd be working between 4 and 9:15 and then eating dinner and then homework.

So there's my schedule. I know it doesn't really seem like it, but trust me it's crazy! I can't wait to finally have a break in 2 more weeks!! (yay!) I'm ready for Summer already!

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