Sunday, April 26, 2009

BEDA Day 24: Chapter 23- And so it begins...

It's hard to believe that tomorrow begins Dead Week; the last week before Finals. It's really about time too. With the way this semester has been, I'm glad to be almost finished. I need a well deserved break before hitting it again in the Fall. It's going to be worse then and I need all the relaxing and recovering I can get prior to that. This week is still going to be busy for me. I still have a bunch of things to turn it. Most of them are notebook binders I have to finish putting together and turn it this week. One of those notebooks is my Tutoring Portfolio for my Literacy Class. I need to have most of it done for Tuesday for peer review and then I have to turn it in on Thursday. The other notebook is one for my Primary Math class. I haven't even started getting that one together. My teacher wasn't very clear what we need to have for this notebook. All I know is that we need to have all these articles and activities printed that have been posted on our class site. Oh yes, talk about saving the environment. Think of how much paper I'm going to be using just to put it together. Also I have a group project presentation for my Geometric Structures that we haven't even started on. We are supposed to get together tomorrow evening and finish everything for it then. Hopefully we can. I also need to finish 2 more journal reflections for my classes. One of those will need to be added to my tutoring portfolio and the other one is for my Middle Level class. Also, I need to figure out which young adult book to read for my Middle Level final. Our final is to read a YA book and then talk about it. I'm debating between Paper Towns and 13 Little Blue Envelopes. Both of which I'm reading now. So that's a run-down of my projects for the week. As you can see, I'm still a ways from slowing down.
The good thing is that none of this is really all that bad. When I compare everything I need to complete this week with the rest of the semester, this is actually relatively tame. I feel as though I can actually complete everything and get a decent amount of sleep. Of course, that being said, I was up late last night, until 4:30AM, working on my Tutoring Portfolio. But at least now it's mostly finished!! Yay! Still have a few things to add but not too much thankfully.

I'll be happy to survive the next two weeks! The countdown has begun!

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