Monday, April 27, 2009

BEDA Day 25: Chapter 24-Kid at heart

Wow. I can't believe I've almost made it through a whole month of blogging! The good thing is that this project has done what I wanted it to do: it got me to start writing more. Even though I'm not sure how much of what I write is actually that interesting.

So tonight I met with one of many groups this semester to work on a project that's due tomorrow. Yes, we did wait until the night before to finish it. That was the only time we could get together and work on it with our schedules being the way they are.

Anyway, our project is for Geometric Structures class and we had to research a topic from a given list. Our topic was pi (3.14159....). We were looking for interesting facts when one of my group members mentioned how the square root of pi was mentioned in the movie Twilight. We found the video clip of the restaurant scene on YouTube and are planning to use that in our presentation.

This led to a very interesting discussion with the rest of my group members about Twilight the movie.Specifically we discussed the actor, Robert Pattison. In the process of discussing him we also mentioned Harry Potter and which of his characters we preferred. Personally I like him better as Cedric Diggory. After discussing this, it led to a discussion of some of the Disney Channel Stars such as Zac Efron and Corbin Bleu. One of my group members mentioned that she likes Zac Efron more than Robert Pattison while another member and I liked Corbin Bleu. Like I said, it was an interesting discussion! :)

This made me think about how many of us college students are more like kids than we are adults. Well, at least us Elementary Education and Early Childhood Majors. I find it very interesting how even though all of us are legally adults, we still tend to act a little like kids. I don't know how many of us in my classes are obsessed with Twilight and Harry Potter. A lot of us like Hannah Montana (yes! I'm serious!) and High School Musical. I mean I'll admit, I like all these things. I'm obsessive about Harry Potter in particular but I do like Hannah Montana and High School Musical and yes, Twilight too (though I'm not obsessed with it as others are). But the thought that others my age like this stuff too? It makes me happy and also makes me wonder. Now I'm not sure if it's because we are going to be working with younger children that this is one reasoning why we like this stuff. I know I prefer children and young adult literature over adult literature. I would much rather be around children and I enjoy being around them; especially my nephew.
Is it not as weird as I think for college students to like things that are meant for younger ages. I mean when I think about it, all the things I listed above are geared toward teens. So I guess it's not that strange that as college students that we like them too.Most of us are barely out of our teens anyway, 20 and 21. Is it because we have a childlike quality that we are in the major that we are? Possibly. I know that I'm becoming a Children's/Elementary School Librarian for that reason. I love kids and sharing my love of reading with them. I want to be able to read kids books and young adult books and not have a reason for reading them!! I've been told be a couple of people that now that I'm an adult, I should be reading more adult-type books. Why? What's wrong with reading something I enjoy even it's meant for younger ages?

I guess it just all comes down to the fact that I'm just a kid at heart. I'm like Peter Pan in a way: I don't ever want to grow up and I don't ever fully plan to. :)

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