Tuesday, April 7, 2009

BEDA Day 5: Chapter 4- It's a small world for Nerdfighteria

You know the phrase "It's a small world?" Well, Nerdfighteria has just gotton a bit smaller in a sense for me. I'm still reeling from the awesomeness that happened today and it made me realize just how big nerdfighting is becoming. (I'm sure I'm just driving you all crazy stalling like this! *evil laugh*) . After this happened, I just knew I had to blog about it!

So here's the story: I was in my 9AM literacy class which is a long class. It lasts until 11:20 (urgh) but occasionally we get out early. Anyway,my professor just finished lecturing about something (don't ask me what it was because I don't remember) and had dismissed us for our 5 minute break. As soon as she had dismissed us, one of the girls who sits nearby asked me if I was familiar with the term "NERDFIGHTER". As soon I heard this, I started to get really excited! I told her that I was very familiar with the term and asked her how she know about it. She told me that she had just seen the Tetris video and thought she recognized me in the video. I told her that I had in fact been in that video. She told she had thought so and that she had seen my name listed in the sidebar. Of course after hearing about all this I had to know more. She told me that she had just started getting involved with the vlogbrothers this past summer and that a friend of hers sent her a video link. She hasn't officially termed herself a "nerdfighter" just yet because she hasn't finished with all the videos yet but I'm sure she will once she's all caught up.

I proceeded to tell her that I had also been in two other videos: SPWNING Halloween and Happy (Belated) Birthday Hank!. She said she hadn't gotten to those videos yet. I was still so excited about the whole thing. Finding out that I'm no longer the only nerdfighter in this town is just epic! I mentioned about the Tour de Nerdfighting event that had taken place in Oklahoma City and how I had gone to the event and had gotton books signed.We also talked about John Green and his books and which were our favorites (I like Paper Towns and the collab Let It Snow!). The other girl also mentioned that she's also a fan of the fiveawesomegirls, fiveawesomeguys, and JohnnyDurham19 (<3 =) ), etc. and I told her I was as well. Of course what makes this whole thing even more interesting is that other people nearby heard us and asked us about it! I curious if they'll get involved somehow too! I hope so! *fingers crossed*

I was literally just so excited and happy after this all took place. I was really in just awe. To think how the nerdfighter community is spreading is just beyond awesome. I never did ask the other girl if she knows about DFTBA! I should have!! This is a new beginning for me and the rest of nerdfighteria! Best wishes!!

1 comment:

  1. That's so exciting! Though I did go to the Tour de Nerdfighting, I haven't really met any Nerdfighters. Maybe someday. :)
