Friday, April 10, 2009

BEDA Day 8: Chapter 7- Spring Fever

As I've stated in a previous blog, I've seemed to have developed a case of Spring Fever for which I really can't be blamed. If the weather in your town/state has been anything like like here, then you already know what I'm talking about. I'm so sick of it being cold!! Where is Spring?! It's so weird. We'll have one or two really nice days where the temperature is in the 70's or even the low 80's. But then like the next day, it drops back down to like the 40's or 50's or it's snowing!! Seriously! It snowed last month. It was snowing in MARCH!! Now, it's April and it's still been cold!! Sure it hasn't been nearly as cold (yet I should emphasize!) but still. It's mainly been in the 50's and low 60's. It was cold before I left for Spring Break last month. I loved being in Las Vegas and back home, where it was a whole lot warmer! I come back and it's still cold! I seem to have left the warm weather back in New Mexico or something (although, they haven't had much warmer either). I understand that weather is unpredictable and everything but seriously can't it just warm up already?! Not too warm. Just enough to where I can feel comfortable and happy. I don't want it to warm up to like the 90's and then I'm miserable because it's too hot and humid. All this cold weather does is make me more tired and not want to do anything. This whole six more weeks of winter things is a joke! Stupid groundhog!! To me it seems as though it's six more weeks of winter minimum or something like that. All I know is that I'm ready for it to be warm. I don't remember the weather being this crazy last March or April. It was bad in like January and beginning of February last year with it's snow and ice. But last year by this time, it was already nice and sunny and warm. Not the case this year!
Even this weekend isn't going to be very warm. We're supposed to get rain starting tomorrow evening and all day on Sunday (rainy Easter ftl.) and it's only going to be about 57 degrees on Sunday. Not too cold and I don't mind the rain so much but still. Oh and I just checked the Weather Channel and apparently we are under a Frost advisory until 5AM tomorrow! WHAT?!!
Are you kidding me!? No more cold stuff!! Please!! I'm begging you!

At this rate, I'll get out for summer and it'll still be cold!! (Only about 3 weeks left!!) Although, there is some light at the end of this dark wintery tunnel, according to the Weather Channel it will be warming up again on Tuesday and will stay in the high 60's and low 70's for the rest of the week. Although the downside is that nearly all of those days have chances of rain. Oh well. As long as it's still warm, I'll be fine. *sings* Here comes the sun... (I hope!)