Sunday, April 17, 2011

BEDA Day 17: Motivation or Lack there of

We are now past the midway point of the month and also of BEDA. I have yet to make a VEDA post but that's ok because BEDA is working for me a lot better. I'm beginning to feel as though I'm running out of things to talk about. I'm also feeling a slight lack of motivation to blog. Mainly it's because my daily life isn't that exciting. I don't really do a lot. I don't work (yet though I still hope to despite the fact that I'm not trying very hard to find a job) and I don't really go very many places(although I've been trying to get out more lately). My classes are all online which isn't that exciting. Since I have time, I could work on homework but I don't usually. Also there's the lack of a social life IRL. So yeah, my days aren't that exciting. It used to be that this bothered me a lot but not so much anymore since I've started getting help. Don't get me wrong, I'm still not happy about it but I'm trying to not let it get to me.

Not only am I lacking the motivation to blog much anymore, I've also lost the motivation to do my schoolwork. I think it's just gotten to the point that I just want to be done with school for the semester. Especially with one of my classes. It's been a difficult class and I've been struggling. I'm just ready to be done is all. I tend to get that way after Spring Break. At least within the past few years I have. After spring break, I feel like the rest of the semester drags. This semester especially. I'm sure it's partially because I've been going to school for about 18 years now practically nonstop since Kindergarten. I've only had a couple of summers off but that's it. I chose to go to Grad School. I didn't have to but I wanted to and I'm fine with that. I know I wouldn't have been happy if I haven't. Don't get me wrong, I love my classes for the most part. I just am ready to be finished with the core classes. This is the worst of the 3 and I'm sick of it. All my other classes have been more interesting since they're actually part of my specific degree. But yes, I've lost motivation to do my work. I literally have to force myself to do the work. I'm just tired and ready for a break even though I don't really get one. I'm taking a May Minimester class (that I've already begun reading the books for it)and I'm also taking 1 summer class. I don't know why I'm doing this. I guess I'm crazy. It does keep me busy at least which I need but still. That and it also allows me to get ahead and graduate earlier.

But anyways, in about 3 weeks, I'll be done and ready for a break. The good thing about Grad school (or at least for my degree) is that I no longer have Final Exams. I just have Final Projects which are usually turned in about a week before the semester officially ends. So technically I'll be done before the Final week and won't have to worry about it anymore. I just hope I have enough motivation left to finish said projects. Also, why isn't the fact that I'll be done with my classes after turning in the final project motivation enough?

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