Saturday, April 9, 2011

BEDA Day 9: Writing

If there's one thing about BEDA that I appreciate, it's the fact that it gives me a reason to write more. True it's only blogs and most of the time, I feel like they aren't all that exciting (especially when compared to other blogs). The only thing my blogs seem to do is talk about my day in detail. I guess it's fine and everything but I feel as though my readers (if there even are any) don't necessarily want to hear the details. I mean the details would seem better if I were writing an actual story or something but I'm not really. I guess I just feel that I'm trying too hard to make my posts interesting. I would like to know if anyone is actually reading though. It'd make me feel better knowing. Are you out there? Anyone? Hello?

I'm getting off topic again (which seems completely normal for me). So yeah, BEDA gives me a reason to write more. I consider myself a writer and I do love to write. The thing is that I haven't really written for the pure joy of it in such a long time. I think, honestly, that school has pretty much exhausted my writing ability to some extent. I mean the only things I seem to write anymore are for school assignments. I remember back in 8th and 9th grade , I discovered poetry as a way to express how I was feeling. I was a way for me to express my angst as a teenager. I had a rough time during those years but writing seemed to help me (not that things have changed all that much. I still have issues it seems). There were just so many problems in terms of my friends that writing about just made everything better. I was so into poetry that I would enter contests. I never really won but people still seemed to like my poems. I wrote poetry at least up until I graduated high school. Well, actually until about my Senior year. During my Senior year, I didn't write poetry nearly as much partial because I didn't have time. Even before I got serious about writing poetry I would write stories and I loved that. I still love to write but I just haven't really. I write poems ever once in a while now. For example, last May, I wrote a poem about graduating from college. Even that was difficult to write since I hadn't written for enjoyment in such a long time. I really should just get back into it and I'm not really sure what's stopping me. It's not like I don't have time. I do plan on writing some poetry for a contest this month and also as part of a challenge for the collab channel I'm part of. It is National Poetry Month after all. Perhaps, writing for those two things, will further inspire me to get back into writing. BEDA already seems to have helped some.

That and the fact that I'm supposed to walk around campus as an assignment by my counselor and write about it for the coming week. If I have to write something, why not try writing a poem about what I experience?? Really that seems to be my default recently, if I don't blog about something (which is like 90% of the time it seems), I end up writing a short poem. I have unfinished stories I probably should work on but I don't(although many are in a writing folder back home so I really can't). I guess I just like poetry for some reason. Free-form poetry and Haiku's to be more exact (I don't really rhyme a lot in my poems and I just like the arrangement of Haiku's).

But really I just need that creative outlet. I need something that I can do to help relive my stress and help me sort out my life. Also, I need something that keeps me busy and from feeling too lonely. Writing has proven before to help with that and I just need to get back to it again.

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