Wednesday, April 27, 2011

BEDA Day 27: More Harry Potter

OMG  you guys! The trailer for Deathly Hallows Part 2 was released tonight!! I'm seriously excited about it right now. I've already watched it at least 5 times! I can't believe it's almost here! The trailer looks so amazingly epic that I can't help but squeal watching it! I can't believe it's here!

I'll admit that I also cried a bit when I saw it. It's  great and I can't wait until July 15th but at the same time I can't help but be a little sad. I know I'm going to be a mess when the movie finally arrives. We're talking about the end of part of my childhood here.

I remember getting into Harry Potter shortly before the release of the 4th book. My sister-in-law was the one who really introduced the series to me. She thought I'd enjoy it and it turns out she was right. Little did I know then just how obsessed I'd be with it. I always love reading and Fantasy books but there was something about Harry Potter that was different. Whatever it was, I fell in love with the series. I didn't start going to the midnight releases until the 5th book but I do remember getting the 4th book the day after it was released. I guess the reason I loved Harry Potter so much was because it was an escape from reality. I felt that I could relate to some of the characters. Even back then, I was in love with Hermione's character because I felt I was  a lot like her. I still don't know exactly what it was about the series but whatever it was, I'm glad for it. Here I am today, totally obsessed with Harry Potter.

I remember when I saw the first movie. It was the day it was released and it was actually the day. My parents and I were in San Antonio over Thanksgiving break.  I remember we had left from my hometown that Thursday before and drove to San Antonio. I remember at one point during the long drive that my mom looked at the clock and realized that we would be arriving close to midnight. She even jokely said that we could just drive straight to the see the movie if we wanted to. I remember I was all for that but it wouldn't have been sensible. We were all tired from the long trip and it wouldn't have been as enjoyable. The next morning however, I remember getting up and being there for the first showing of the day. I remember wearing my black Harry Potter shirt with Hogwarts in the background and a time-turner like necklace. I also wore a golden snitch keychain, and a Bertie Botts Every Flavor Bean bag with my Harry Potter trading cards inside tied around my waist. I'll never forget how excited I was and how I felt after  it was over.  I still have the ticket stub! It's hard to believe that it was that long ago .

I remember going to the midnight release of Book 7. I was very careful to avoid spoilers and was even worried that some stupid person would shout them out at the release party.Although I'm quite sure had that happened that person would have been attacked but the myriad of Potter fans there. I dressed up for the release. I had the full Harry Potter/Gryffindor uniform already from dressing up for Halloween and also from other movie releases.  I dressed as Hermione (though I don't look much like her).  I had a S.P.E.W. badge, my time-turner like necklace, and carried around a messenger book bag with Harry Potter books inside. I had styled my curly hair to make it look more curly and messy than usual  (it was also shorter than).They had a costume contest and while I didn't win, I was one of the runners up and recieved an exclusive Hastings Book 7 shirt as a prize. It was truly awesome. I remember getting in line (we were toward the beginning) and counting down with the others to midnight. I remember the excitement as the employees handed me my copy and I proceeded to the checkout counter and then going home and immediately reading the first chapter even. Memories that'll never end.

I'll admit that I'd actually already read the first couple of pages already by the time I got my copy. This is because at the time, I was working as a Page at our hometown library. Of course, in order to have the book ready to be put in the library collection for the release, they had to open the copies and get the processed and everything. Several of us staff were tempted to read it and frequently made jokes about taking the copy and hiding in the supply closet to read it. I even saw the book sitting on the cart to be processed. Finally, the Children's Librarian picked it up and opened it to the first page. I was passing by and saw her. We both read the first couple of pages and that was it. That was all we read. (The advantages of working in a library. :) )This was actually the day of the midnight release and after reading the first couple of pages, I was even more eager to get my copy that night.

It was a mixture of emotions during the Book 7 release too but it was different. Even though the books were ending, there were still the movies to look forward to. We still had midnight releases to go to. Now, the last part of the last book is being released soon. We won't have midnight releases to go to anymore. The fandom will never die but it won't exactly be the same.Sure there's the Theme Park and that helps but it's not quite the same as waiting with a bunch of other fans at midnight. The excitement of being one of the first to witness the magic.. Just being there with all these strangers and knowing you share something in common with them. The sense of  knowing that most diehard fans go at midnight. It's a wonderful thing and it's hard to believe that it's ending.

Of course, Harry Potter will never be forgotten but will live on forever. "The ones we love never really leave us"

One last midnight release, one last movie. "It all ends here"

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