Wednesday, April 11, 2012

BEDA Day 11: Breakfast person?

I don't know what got me thinking about this today. Perhaps it was the fact that today's Photo A Day was showing where you ate breakfast.

I'm just curious what it is about people not eating breakfast in the morning. I know a quite a few people who claim they aren't "breakfast people" and usually don't eat anything in the morning. I don't understand it.

I personally eat breakfast every morning. It might not always be a big meal but it's at least something. Even if I'm running late for something. I try to at least eat a piece of toast or fruit or something.  I grew up this way though. I was always encouraged to eat something for breakfast. That was pretty much the one meal I couldn't go without at least eating something.

Yet, there are people who go without all the time. I have family members who go without breakfast quite often. To me, it doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't you eat breakfast?

My brother grew up the same way I did but normally his family doesn't eat breakfast. My nephew certainly doesn't.  Then again my nephew has other issues with food that I don't understand.
I hear all the time that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it's told that you shouldn't skip it. Yet other people do and they seem perfectly fine.

I'm not suggesting that people have to eat breakfast food for breakfast, but I still think that it would be better to eat something. 

I just don't understand it. Why do people chose not to eat breakfast? I've heard reasons why but none of them really seem legitimate or logical to me.

I'm certainly a breakfast person and I'm glad to be one. I actually enjoy breakfast and particularly breakfast foods. Sometimes I eat breakfast foods for dinner and I enjoy it.

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