Saturday, April 7, 2012

BEDA Day 7: TV talk

I'm someone who tends to watch a lot of TV during the day. Mostly it's because I can. I don't exactly have a busy schedule. In fact I have a lot of free time.  Too much I feel sometimes.   Many times I turn the TV on in the morning and it's on most of the day.  A lot of the time I don't exactly watch it. I'm either on the computer or reading while it's on. I mostly turn it on for company and noise. It gets too quiet by myself and just having the TV on makes me feel less lonely.

The thing is that I don't even really watch anything too exciting either. During the week it's either Disney Channel or Spike TV when it's running episodes of CSI.  Sometimes it's ABCFamily with movies that I've seen a million times or even own.

I have a list of favorite TV shows that I like to watch but as of recently I haven't watched any of those shows much. In fact, I used to have a TV show that I'd watch every day of the week. I had a regular TV schedule. Mondays I would watch Hawaii Five-0 when it moved from Sundays. Tuesdays it was Glee or NCIS and then NCIS:Las Angeles.  Wednesdays wasn't really anything until CSI moved from Thursdays. So now my Thursdays were free. Then Fridays I would watch CSI:NY. 

There were some other seasonal shows that were thrown in: Wipeout on Thursdays, Top Chef on Wednesdays, and Hell's Kitchen on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Competition shows that usually only lasted a certain part  of the TV lineup.

Then of course there's the summer shows I enjoy watching: Wipeout, America's Got Talent, and Big Brother. Since they are during the Summer when the rest of the shows are on hiatus, I don't really count them much.

So I had  a regular TV schedule to watch and for a good while, I would watch the shows and keep up with them but then Fall semester 2011 happened. There were nights that I simply just couldn't watch TV because I had assignments to finish. It was hectic and crazy. I got so far behind on my TV shows that I just simply stopped watching them. When I went back home for Winter/Christmas break, I got caught up as much as I could (my parents own a DVR).  When I came back though, I still had missed a few of the new episodes even though I had mostly caught up. Again, I tried to get back into all the shows but I felt so far behind and lost with some of the background stories that I guess I just eventually stopped watching them altogether. Now part of me wants to get back into the shows but I'm so far behind that I feel it's almost pointless.

I've also added a show to my list of favorite shows I watch and it's actually taken some precedence over  another show. On Fridays now I watch What Would You Do? instead of watching CSI:NY.  Both are on at the same time but again since I feel like I'm too far behind on CSI episodes, I don't really bother with it.

This is kinda similar to what happened with Glee and NCIS. Both shows come on at the same time. For awhile I was really into Glee and would watch that over NCIS. But then I started losing interest in Glee (also I just couldn't watch it because I had assignments) and stopped watching. I intended to get caught up with the season over Christmas break but that just didn't happen. I watched one episode upon it's return in January (the Michael Jackson episode) but that's it.  I haven't watched it since then and I'm not sure if I will again.  Since I'm not watching Glee anymore though ,I could be watching NCIS but I've missed so many episodes there too.

I have Netflix and some of these shows are on there. I could catch up. It's not like I don't have the time. Instead of watching Disney Channel or whatever, I could be making better use of my TV time. Yet for some reason I don't. In addition to catching up with some of the TV shows I already watch, there's some others that have been suggested to me. For instance, Downton Abbey and Doctor Who. Both suggested by my brother.
So basically my TV time has turned into just me leaving it on the Disney Channel and watching whatever comes on there. I don't really know why I haven't caught up with my other shows. I just haven't. There's not really a good reason I haven't

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