Friday, April 13, 2012

BEDA Day 13: Storytime recap

Friday the 13th! I'm not someone who is highly superstitious. In fact I'd almost have to say I'm not really a superstitious person.

So today was the big day for me. The day of my planned Storytime. I was extremely nervous although I really didn't need to be.  I think it was more the fact that I was going to be in charge, leading the songs and rhymes that made me nervous.

Despite the fact that for several weeks (a couple of months), I've been reading and helping out with StoryTime every Friday. I've read books and helped lead the rhymes and songs and have helped out with the puppet show! In other words I should be used to it by now. I should be used to what happens. And yet, I still was nervous.

I've had my StoryTime planned out for awhile now. For a couple of months at least. I've had the books, songs, and rhymes picked out for awhile. I wasn't exactly planning on doing my StoryTime this week. I thought I still had at least a week to prepare myself. Well mostly prepare myself emotionally but when I went in on Monday, I was informed that I was doing it this week. 

The only thing I had left to do on Monday was my agenda and create the song sheet which is what I did. Since then I just tried to calm myself down as much as I could. Thankfully my therapist helped me out too with some calming techniques.

I was still nervous when I began  but I managed to get over it. I felt like I knew what was going on because I've helped out for so long. The format stays the same, the little speeches stay basically the same. I've been playing them over and over in my head since Monday and found that it came to me easily. 

My StoryTime went great! It was so much fun! The kids enjoyed it and I felt it went really well. It was over before I knew it!  Ducks in general are just a lot of fun!

The  group wasn't as big as it normally is for some reason. Who knows why? The weather was nice and everything. At least I didn't have to yell to be heard. A small group made it nicer I felt.

Also just the fact, I wasn't entirely on my own. I had the Library Assistant to help me and the Children's Librarian. I didn't really need a lot of their help as it turned out. I mean, I was still grateful for it but I actually managed to do a good job on my own.Like I said, the words just seemed to come easily.  I did stumble on my words a few times but I wasn't too worried about that.

The kids enjoyed it and most importantly my supervisor thought I did a really good job too! At least it's over now and I feel better. I feel relieved! I went out for lunch as a bit of a celebration. A celebration of how well I did.

So that's pretty much the end of my Practicum. I finished my required amount of hours quite a while ago and this StoryTime was pretty much the only thing left. The children's librarian wanted us to plan a StoryTime as our last thing of our Practicum. Now that it's over, I can relax and finish off the rest of my coursework. 

I'm not going in as much anymore. Just whenever she needs me to help. I'm still planning on helping out with StoryTimes for the next couple of weeks anyway. They only have a couple more before they take a break until Summer. Next week, the Library Assistant isn't going to be there. I already told the Librarian I would be there to help out.  The other Practicum student is supposed to do her planned StoryTime then. However, she wasn't here this morning because she had fallen ill. Hopefully she'll get better and be able to do it by then.

I'm just really glad my StoryTime went well and I'm glad that it's over. It was fun and everything but it's nice to not have to worry about it anymore. I feel like it's a bit silly how nervous I was to begin with but it's like with anything else, the more I do it, the easier it'll get.

1 comment:

  1. I totally relate to your post! I am doing my first storytime tomorrow with preschoolers and I am scared. I didn't create all the curriculum so facilitating it might not be as easy. I am glad to read someone else who is as nervous as I am right now though. It makes me feel a little more normal. I am looking forward to it being over with so I can feel more confident about doing the next. :)
