Saturday, April 21, 2012

BEDA Day 21: Personality Revelation

I had a topic in mind yesterday for today's post but it slipped my mind. However, I have what I feel is a much more interesting topic. Early this morning (or late last night if you want to look it from that point), I had a bit of a Revelation. I discovered perhaps more about who I am last night.

If you follow me on Tumblr (which some of you do)  then you were treated to my discovery last night. Basically it all began with a Tumblr post. A few days ago, a few of my friends reblogged a post regarding personality types and their relationship with your  Hogwarts House. Pottermore is finally opened to the public so now a lot of people are getting sorted and the originators of the post were curious to see if certain personalities were sorted into certain houses.  Just as a curiousity.

I'm officially a Huffepuff as determined by the sorting on Pottermore and while at first I was surprised, I've come to accept that it's really who I am. Although I still feel like I have a bit of Ravenclaw tendencies.

According to the short little question/test/information thing linked in the post my personality type is a INFJ. This personality is based on Myers-Briggs which lists 16 personality types.  I'm not sure if I've ever taken a full Myers-Briggs test before or not. I tend to remember taking a variety of interest/career/personality type of tests though in high school and during my first couple years college. I remember taking a bunch of test for this program that my parents signed me up for prior to me going to college. It was some sort of thing that would help me plan for college and such. I don't remember much about it anymore. I took a variety of tests for them to help me with degree possibilities and such but I'm uncertain if a Myers-Briggs test was one of them.

Anyways, I wasn't sure if INFJ was truly my personality type. I just based it off the information given on the site and chose what sounded most like me on the little questionnaire thing on the site.  I was particularly unsure about the last one, if it should be a J or P.  The question basically said something about being a planned or unplanned person.   I'm not someone who likes to be unplanned but things tend to happen that way a lot so I went with the planned side which is "J".

So late last night, I just got a random thought in my mind. I was interested in looking up personality types of people who become therapists just for curiosity sakes when I stumbled upon this website: 
Which talks about career matches by personality types.

I saw that this was divided up by the different Myers-Briggs personality types and thought about the Tumblr thing with Pottermore. I looked for mine and was interested to learn that listed under my particular personality type was "Librarian" as one possible career. I'm currently studying to be a Librarian. Then I started to notice a few other things of interest. Dentist is listed under this personality as well. For the longest time when I was little, I wanted to be a Dentist.  And that’s not all. Also listed under this personality is Teacher/Professor which was my Undergrad degree (Elementary Education) although I realized I didn’t want to be a teacher. Also listed is Musician which I’m one and Writer which I also am. I realize these last 2 are more like hobbies but still I feel they could apply.

Then I looked into this page: Which gives more information about the INFJ personality. As soon as I read it, I started to feel as though something just clicked. That things were beginning to make some sense.   Of course being the library student I am, I had to research some more. So I googled "INFJ personality" and began looking at the results. The more I read about the personality type, the more I realized that it sounded just like me. The descriptions that I find were scarily accurate of who I am. I wasn't trying to make the personality fit me. It fits of it's own accord!  One of the pages talks about INFJ's being a perfectionist which I have to admit I am one. Another one says that INFJ's put a lot of pressure on themselves to do well which I most certainly do. Another page mentioned that INFJ's are prone to sadness and crying. This certainly would explain why I get emotional quite often. In fact it explains why I seemed to cry a lot when I was a child.  There's just so many things that are described for this personality type that fit me.

The description on the Personality Page website says this about INFJ's "INFJs are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive individuals. Artistic and creative, they live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. "  It just sounds so much like me. I've said many times before, that I feel like I'm a complex person and this just solidifies it for me that I am.

It's just a mind blowing revelation regarding all this stuff and realizing that this is me they're talking about.  To realize that this who I am.   It also might explain why I feel like I'm different from a lot of people since according to the websites only about 1% of the entire population is this personality type.

The whole thing is just fascinating to me and definitely more of an insight into who I really am.

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