Monday, April 9, 2012

BEDA Day 9: A blog of too many words

It's been brought to my attention that perhaps the reason no one reads my blog much is simply because I write too much. My blog posts are normally way too long and not really anyone likes to read such long posts.  I'm going to really try hard to keep today's post relatively short. It's going to be a struggle but I'm going to try as hard as I can.

Ok, so I realize may of my blog posts are long. I can't help it. I just really enjoy writing and when I get into something, I just get to really writing.  I realize that other blogs have relatively short posts.  In other words, that short blog posts are the usual norm. Some people typically post like I do with fairly lengthy blog posts. For some it's a mixture of both.

I've tried to make my posts short but it just doesn't work out that way. I can't help it! I probably could be less detailed but then where would that leave me?

I've tried to make my lengthy blog posts easier to read by breaking them up more. If you read some of my earlier posts,  that wasn't something I did much of.

I just never really gave much thought about my possible future readers. I created this blog mostly for myself; as a way to express my inner thoughts and feelings. Basically my blog is just a way for me to be myself. To be who I really am since I can't always seem to be myself in person.

I've mentioned before that I really enjoy writing. For me, it's a form of therapy. I try to make my posts as interesting as I can despite them being long.  At least for me, a long post tells more of the story than a short post. I realize that for the readers though it's more time consuming to read.

As my blog title and description states "A story of my life. Every life has a story. This is mine".  My posts are part of my story. Honestly, sometimes the best stories aren't always the shortest or simplest ones.

My life story is complex and requires some lengthy explanation. I have a lot to say. That's just simply how it is.

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