Wednesday, April 18, 2012

BEDA Day 18: High School friends grow up

I'm not sure if I've talked about this previously or not. If I have, I apologize for talking about it again.  After over 100 posts, I'm bound to repeat topics at some point. Especially since it seems that certain topics reoccur in my life.

Anyways, I find it interesting to research my classmates and friends from high school every once in awhile and see how much they've changed since we've all graduated.  But it's also weird for me. I see how many of them have changed and then I get to thinking about how I haven't really changed.

I have but sometimes it doesn't feel that way.  Many of my classmates are now married and some probably divorced. Quite a few of them, have children  by now.

Some of my friends and acquaintances have children.  One of my best friends from middle school (she was my best friend back then) recently had a baby. She's not married (yet) but has a baby girl. One of my "friends" (more like an acquaintance) that I've known for years because we were in Girl Scouts together also has a baby. She's also a little bit younger than me.  Then another friend of mine that I've known since I was 2 1/2  is married. There's also several other classmates that are married or have children. Classmates that I've known since Elementary school.

It's just weird for me to look at them and realize we are all adults. That we are legally adults now.  and that things like this are normal.  I guess I just don't see it.  I still see us as the way we were.

I look at myself and I look at some of my classmates and  I think about what I've done. What I've accomplished. Yet, I can't help but feel a bit like I'm in the minority.

I know I'm not the only one who hasn't gotten married and is still going to school. My friend Chris is currently in Dental school while another classmate of mine is in Law School. There are at least some of us that are focused on our career goals first.

Everyone is different. If my classmates felt they were ready to be married, have children, get engaged, etc. that's them. For me it's just weird to see it all though.

I personally feel like I'm still too young but yet I also realize, I'm not. I'm 24 years old. It's not that uncommon for people my age to be doing all this.  I guess I've just never been interested in that stuff. I've always been too busy focused on getting my degree and getting started with my career before I ever thought about that stuff.

I mean I never exactly expected my life to be like it is now. I never really thought I'd be this close to getting my Master's and still be so focused to not be in a relationship of any type. I mean, these things happen when they happen. Yet, it's worked out that way. I can't say I'm disappointed either. I'm actually quite content with how things are.

Sure sometimes I get lonely and think it would be nice to be in a relationship but at the same time, I think how I don't want that right now.  I think about my brother and how things were difficult for him. He did things backwards, got married, had a kid, and then decided to go back to college.

I guess that's one of the reasons that I stay so focused.  Then there's also the fact that some of my classmates that are married or have children didn't finish college. Some of them started but never finished and may never finish. There's also some that did finish but didn't go any further.

I on the other hand have not only managed to finish an undergrad degree but I'm also almost finished with a Master's. I've done all this before I'm even 25 years old! I am probably one of the younger students in my degree program. Well I'm on the younger end of the age range, but look at what I've accomplished.

So while yes sometimes I think it would be nice to be in a relationship and such, I'm quite content with how my life has gone so far. 

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