Sunday, April 29, 2012

BEDA Day 29: Not adventurous

I've discovered that I'm not a very adventurous sort of person. I'm really not.

I tend to stick to things that are familiar and don't tend to venture out much to try new things.

For instance, I don't live very far from Dallas. I've lived here in Denton for almost 2 years now and still have yet to really explore Dallas much. Part of me would like to explore and be adventurous but I'm afraid to do so.

Today for instance, my mom and I met my cousin at a restaurant in Dallas close to SMU. He lived and worked in Dallas at SMU for about 13 years. So he's pretty familiar. Anyways, my mom and I were waiting for him. He called and said he was running late. He mentioned there was a bookstore nearby and so my mom and I decided to go looking for it. We didn't find the bookstore but we walked around anyways. I got nervous walking around. I was actually a bit frightened. Walking through unfamiliar streets with no one but just my mom. No one was around. There was no sign of people.  I felt so exposed. These frightening thoughts came into my mind. Horror stories of things that happened to people who walked alone in big cities. I mean I realize we weren't exactly alone but still.

My mom finally asked me if I was scared and I told her I was and we headed back to the car. I felt bad though. I felt like I was preventing her from exploring some more and I hated that feeling. I felt better seeing people around though.

Truth be told, Dallas frightens me. It's a big city and I'm not used to it. When I first moved here, just the fact that 2 lanes became 3 freaked me out.  I still don't like driving into Dallas much. It still freaks me out. 

I want to go to Dallas and explore but since it's so unfamiliar, I don't want to get lost and then run into trouble.  I wish I could go with some friends who knew the city but since I don't know anyone that also stops me from going.  There's also the fact, that I just simply don't want to spend all this money that I don't exactly have.

All this sounds weird though because I eventually want to live in a big city. I want to live somewhere like Austin or San Antonio. I don't know.

I'm not even much of a thrill seeker either which I guess can relate to not be very adventurous.
I have only ever been on 1 actual roller coaster in my life.  It was at Circus Circus in Las Vegas and I was 21. Just a few years ago.  I've been on plenty of mini-coasters like at fairs and kiddy coasters but until I was 21, I hadn't been on an actual roller coaster. 

My brother was shocked to learn this fact when I told him. He's still surprised. I just have never really been inclined to want to ride actual roller coasters I guess. When we went to Walt Disney World in 2005, I didn't even ride the Rockin' Rollercoaster.  I'm still not entirely sure I want to ride it even when we go back.  We are planning to go to DisneyLand in August and I'm sure I'm going to be begged to ride California Screamin'. My nephew has ridden it and he's 13 right now! That fact has also been used against me. I'm just not someone who jumps at the chance to ride rollercoasters.

Despite the fact, that I know some of the science behind them doesn't help. I just am not a big roller coaster fan unlike my brother.

I  guess you could say I'm a scaredy cat and lately I've been feeling like I am. I don't know why I'm not more adventurous.  I mean I feel like I would be but then I realize I'm not really.

I even remember going to DisneyWorld for the first time when I was 6 years old and being scared of practically all the rides (I'm not anymore).  I didn't really even want to try them (although I did). Of course I was 6 at the time but still.

I find it interesting how I'm adventurous when it comes to food but not so much in other things. I've eaten things like sushi,, oysters, and crawfish. I've tried snake and alligator. I've even eaten squid and octopus and eel I've been bold enough to try fried coke. Basically, food  isn't such a hardship when it comes to trying new things.

I don't know what the reasoning is behind my being not so adventurous. Perhaps just throwing a small town girl into an unfamiliar big city environment did it. Perhaps something else. Whatever the reason though, I'm simple not very adventurous.

 I'm adventurous in some things like food. Now if only I could apply that to other things in my life as well. 

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